Hamilton, Houck & Babcock - Class Action Settlement Recovery Services - (612) 850-1051 or Email

National Recovery Services LLC

class action lawsuit settlement recovery services - our process

A successful claim requires an accurately completed, document-supported and timely submission of a filing.

Further, if those processing claims for the court ask for additional requests or documentation, that information must be timely responded to.

The time lapse between filing, and when claims are paid out can be substantial.

There are few companies that have a system in place to monitor correspondence with the court, or carry a receivable whose validity, principal amount, and maturity are unknown.
Lead Received
Lead Received

We become aware of a class action lawsuit.

Gather Info
Gather Info

We reach out to the business to see which of their customers were affected.

As an illustration, in a case regarding commercial carpeting, the claims administrator mailed out approximately 15,000 claim forms to companies which had purchased products believed to fall within the eligible terms of settlement.

Of those 15,000 approximately 5,700 claims were filed, and of those only 2,900 were paid. That's less than 1 in 5 eligible companies receiving the refund for the damages that were due to them.

100% of the claims processed, filed and monitored by National Recovery Services LLC were paid!

Our systematic process is designed to:


  • Develop a supportable claim amount from existing or replicated invoices/cancelled drafts​, or by using a variety of alternate calculations of derivation that the courts have deemed reasonable, accurate and acceptable in several cases.
  • File the claim with proof of tracking and delivery
  • Remain in communication with the administrators to ensure they receive all clarification/substantiation they require
  • Receive accurate estimations and approved amounts from claim administrations for the claim amounts, refund amounts, and dates of distribution.

We fill out the forms, and stay in communication with the appoint court administrator.

More information
Follow through
Follow through

We stay "on the case" till the claim is paid.

We also keep up to date using the latest litigation reporting technology and record all updates and communication in a customized, secure database as well as tangible backup files to ensure accurate record keeping not only with the case and claim, but as well as the clients we serve.

The above methodology provides solutions to the problems of carrying receivables for many months whose validity, principal amount and maturity may not otherwise be known or determined.

References from previous companies are available.
We take all the hassle out of the claims process. As soon as we agree that NRS LLC will take care of the claim we make sure it is accurately maximized and completed from filing to settlement disbursements.
Contact us for a complimentary case review.