Hamilton, Houck & Babcock - Class Action Settlement Recovery Services - (612) 850-1051 or Email

National Recovery Services LLC

About Hamilton, Houck and Babcock

Collectively, we are Shannon Hamilton, Paul Houck, and Tim Babcock. We have over a 1/2 century of extensive and comprehensive experience in the industry of class-action lawsuit claims availability research, administration, litigation and follow-through to ensure the highest level of timely communication throughout this process.

We assist in gathering information to ensure a complete, timely, and accurate submission of the claim. We then stay in communication with administrators to fully understand the process and we closely monitor litigation keeping you informed every step of the way.

Since 1983, we have assisted clients in the recovery of the maximum amount due to them in the resolution of class-action or antitrust litigation settlements. Our staff has extensive experience in difficult cases where records and documentation is limited, difficult to find, or non-existent.

We give results, not excuses.
Hamilton, Houck, & Babcock
Hamilton, Houck, & Babcock

The most important thing in Class Actions is to fully understand the Class Action, this allows for more accurate claims and that as many of the damaged businesses receive the settlement portions due to them.


Shannon excels in finding solutions to the most difficult issues. He ensures that all clients receive the service they deserve and works with the experts from every field around the world to provide information  when necessary.

(541) 273-9506


Paul has lead NRS since 1983 and continues to play an important role in major decision making, as well as having a diverse background to comprehend case litigation and specifics in various industries.

(612) 850-1051


Tim is an active Member within National Recovery Services. He works to ensure current clients, as well as potential companies who may have been damaged, receive accurate information and timely communication about the process of their claims.

(920) 989-1519
To be accurate, we need to fully understand the case, claim form and verify anything we process several times for accuracy to eliminate future issues. We make sure we have the tools and experts on hand for every possible situation.
Contact us for a complimentary case review. Services.